Command Line User Guide#


Usage: orangery [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version      Show the version and exit.
  -v, --verbose  Enables verbose mode
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  adjust    A command-line utility to adjust a survey dataset.
  cutfill   Displays a plot of a repeat survey with cut and fill.
  info      Displays information about a survey file or section within a...
  section   Displays a cross-section plot.
  segment   Prompt the user to assign materials to polygon areas listed in


Usage: orangery adjust <options> <opusxml_file> <file> <codes_file> <fields>

  A command-line utility to adjust a survey dataset.

  It translates coordinates by the offset between one coordinate in the
  dataset and coordinates in an OPUS XML file.

  adjust opus/2010096o.10o.xml data/Topo-20100331.csv json/codebook.json pyxzctr BASE2 -u sft -s SPC --keep-header

  -o, --output <outfile>       Output file path
  -u, --unit <unit>            Distance units
  -s, --system <plane_system>  Plane coordinate spec type
  --keep-header                Keeps the original header
  --drop-header                Drops the original header
  -v, --verbose                Enables verbose mode
  --help                       Show this message and exit.


Usage: orangery cutfill <options> <file_t0> <file_t1> <fields> <name>

  Displays a plot of a repeat survey with cut and fill.

  The cutfill subcommand takes four arguments:
  <file_t0> : survey data representing the initial condition in csv format
  <file_t1> : survey data representing the final condition in csv format
  <fields> : series of characters describing the data columns
  <name> : name of cross-section to plot

  Options allow to set various properties of the plot. The default is to
  --show the plot. With the --save option the plot will be saved as an image
  along with a csv file containing data about cross-sectional cut-and-fill
  areas along the line of secion.

  orangery cutfill file_2004.csv file_2010.csv pxyzctr XS-7 --reverse t0

  --codes <codes_file>      JSON file representing the usage intent of a set
                            of survey codes

  --show / --save           Show the plot or save to files; --show is the

  --summary / --no-summary  Print summary information; --summary is the

  --units [m|sft|ft]        Unit to show in axis labels
  --labels <text text>      Labels to display in the legend
  --exaggeration <int>      Vertical exaggeration of plot
  --scale <float int>       Scale where first argument is units per-inch on
                            the horizontal axis and second argument is output

  --close / --no-close      Close the line ends; --close is the default
  --reverse [t0|t1|tx]      Reverse a line or lines of section (t0=initial,
                            t1=final, tx=both)

  --exclude <str choice>    Exclude a survey code from a line or lines of
                            section (t0=initial, t1=final, tx=both)

  --overlay PATH
  -v, --verbose             Enables verbose mode
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Usage: orangery geodetic [OPTIONS] LATITUDE LONGITUDE HAE

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: orangery info <options> <file> <fields>

  Displays information about a survey file or section within a survey file.

  The cutfill subcommand takes four arguments:
  <file> : survey data representing the initial condition in csv format
  <fields> : series of characters describing the data columns
  <name> : name of cross-section to plot

  orangery info file_2004.csv pxyzctr --name XS-7

  --names <name col>    Name of the cross-section; default will return all
                        names beginning with 'XS'

  --codes <codes_file>  JSON file representing the usage intent of a set of
                        survey codes

  -v, --verbose         Enables verbose mode
  --help                Show this message and exit.


Usage: orangery section <options> <file_t0> <fields> <name>

  Displays a cross-section plot.

  The section subcommand takes three arguments:
  <file_t0> : survey data representing the initial condition in csv format
  <fields> : series of characters describing the data columns
  <name> : name of cross-section to plot

  Options allow to set various properties of the plot. The default is to
  --show the plot. With the --save option the plot will be saved as an

  orangery section file_2004.csv pxyzctr XS-7 --reverse t0

  --codes <codes_file>      JSON file representing the usage intent of a set
                            of survey codes

  --show / --save           Show the plot or save to files; --show is the

  --units [m|sft|ft]        Unit to show in axis labels
  --label <text>            Label to display in the legend
  --exaggeration <int>      Vertical exaggeration of plot
  --scale <float int>       Scale where first argument is units per-inch on
                            the horizontal axis and second argument is output

  --reverse / --no-reverse  Reverse the line of section
  --exclude <str>           Exclude a survey code from the section plot
  -v, --verbose             Enables verbose mode
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Usage: orangery segment <options> <areas_file> <materials_file>

  Prompt the user to assign materials to polygon areas listed in a csv file.

  The segment subcommand takes two arguments: A path to a csv file listing
  cut-and-fill polygon areas and a path to a JSON file listing possible

  The csv file listing the cut-and-fill polygon areas is created with the
  --save option of the cutfill subcommand.

  orangery segment XS-3-20130514-20170609.csv materials.json

  --help  Show this message and exit.